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Nylon Beat
I'm looking for a lazy way
to get trough my working day
yeah I know it's true
it's a sin for sure

whenever I cross the street
the trafficlight's never green
yeah but it's not for you
it's a sin to do

I wan't to give my helping hand
to turn an angel to a man
and find that sinner from your heart

You do not need to understand
don't have to be a gentle man
look for that sinner in your heart

Somebody stole my neighbours car
I didn't drive it all that far
yeah I know it's true,
it's a sin for sure

Now you have seen the worst of me
try to catch that lovely feel
yeah 'cause it's all for you
we've a sin to do

I wan't to give my helping hand
to turn an angel to a man
and find that sinner from your heart

You do not need to understand
don't have to be a gentle man
look for that sinner in your heart

I wan't to give my helping hand
to turn an angel to a man
and find that sinner from your heart

You do not need to understand
don't have to be a gentle man

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