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It's A Beautiful Day
White Bird
White bird
In a golden cage
On a winter's day
In the rain
White bird
In a golden cage

The leaves blow
Cross the long black road
To the darkened skies
In its rage
But the white bird
Just sits in her cage

White bird must fly
Or she will die

White bird
Dreams of the aspen trees
With their dying leaves
Turning gold
But the white bird
Just sits in her cage
Growing old.

White bird must fly
Or she will die
White bird must fly
Or she will die

The sunsets come
The sunsets go
The clouds pile high
The air moves slow
And the young bird's eyes
Do always know
She must fly
She must fly
She must fly

White bird
In a golden cage
On a winter's day
In the rain
White bird
In a golden cage

White bird must fly
Or she will die
White bird must fly
Or she will die
White bird must fly
Or she will die?
White bird must fly?

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