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Törnqvist Rebecka
Good Thing
Just As Long

There was times I could have used a leash
to pull you down on your knees
Have you doing everything right
doing it like the way I'd like

But just as long as you walk beside me and keep my pace
If your head's turned away or I can see your face
I don't care just as long as you keep quite near
If I reach out to touch you I want you to be there

I'd do the Queen of Sheba
without any shame or guilt
But I've grown tired of this castle I built
Now I'd rather leave these quite embarrassing schemes
leave and take you home with me

'Cause just as long as you walk beside me and keep my pace
If your head's turned away or I can see your face
I don't care just as long as you keep quite near
If I reach out to touch you I want you to be there

I can't do this anymore
I can't play this game
and watch you go

Just as long as you walk beside me and keep my pace
If your head's turned away or I can see your face
I don't care just as long as you keep quite near
If I reach out to touch you I want you to be there

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