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 Browse: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Wind And Wuthering
Like the dust that settles all around me,
I must find a new home.
The ways and holes that used to give me shelter,
Are all as one to me now.
But I, I would search everywhere
Just to hear your call,
And walk upon stranger roads than this one
In a world I used to know before.
I miss you more.

Than the sun reflecting off my pillow,
Bringing the warmth of new life.
And the sounds that echoes all around me,
I caught a glimpse of in the night.
But now, now I've lost everything,
I give to you my soul.
The meaning of all that I believed before
Escapes me in this world of none, no thing, no one.

And I would search everywhere
Just to hear your call,
And walk upon stranger roads than this one
In a world I used to know before.
For now I've lost everything,
I give to you my soul.
The meaning of all that I believed before
Escapes me in this world of none,
I miss you more.

All lyrics (C) 1976 by Fuse Music Ltd.
All rights controlled for the U.S. and Canada by W B Music Corp.
All rights reserved.

All tracks arranged by Genesis
Co-produced by David Hentschel and Genesis
Engineer--David Hentschel
Recorded at Relight Studios, Hilvarenbeek, Holland
Assistant Engineer--Pierre Geoffroy Chateau
Remixed at Trident Studios, London
Assistant Engineer--Nick "Cod" Bradford
Tape Operators--John, Geoff, Neil, and Steve
Equipment--Tex (Nibs) Read, Andy Mackrill, Paul
Padun and Dale
Thanks to--Tony Smith, Alex Sim, Brian Murray-Smith
Sleeve Design--Hipgnosis/Colin Elgie
Publisher--W B Music Corp., ASCAP.

Voices, Drums, Cymbals, Percussion

Electric Guitars, Nylon Classical, 12 String, Kalimba,

Basses, 4, 6, & 8 String, Electric and 12 string
Acoustic guitars. Bass pedals

Steinway Grand Piano, ARP 2600 and Pro-Soloist,
Synthesizers, Hammond Organ, Mellotron, Roland
String Synthesizer, Fender Rhodes Piano, etc.

All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only.
Copyright © 2007-2009,

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