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7 Seconds
The Crew
This Is The Angry (Part 2)
So you're tired of hearing us moan and complain,
Just 'cos you don't feel it,
Don't mean there's no pain.
Some are brought up and let down,
Then run through the course,
While they're able to fuck us and feel no remorse.
Oh Oh Oh! (x4)
Well you've turned on your own,
Kicked dirt in our faces,
We're left with no money, no work, no paces,
Just think what you'd do
If you were in our place,
While reality's waiting, you're taking up space
(Repeat Chorus)
Are you happy? Are you proud?
Then sing real loud!
(Repeat Chorus)

Note: The original version of this song (This is the Angry) appeared on a
7" EP called "Committed for Life," and it featured an actual chorus
(which the diehard fans used to sing whenever Kev tried to sing the
new whoa-oh chorus--he apparently found the original too negative
on later thought--live). The original version follows.

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